Top Ten Ways to Engage with Board of Child Care (BCC)

1. Pray for the children, youth and families BCC serves as well as BCC staff. Include the ministry of BCC on your congregation’s ongoing prayer request list.
2. Contribute financially either by a special offering – the Christmas Offering or at some other time during the year – or by including BCC in your church and/or missions budget.
3. Make sure that your church is subscribed to BCC updates.
4. Spread the word about BCC by creating a space to post BCC updates on a bulletin board, on printed materials, website, social media, etc.
5. Plan a tour of a BCC program.
6. Engage volunteers in creating Prayer Blankets and/or Welcome Bags.
7. Ask the missions team or another group in your congregation to donate money for Bibles.
8. Participate in one of BCC’s collection drives throughout the year (e.g. Christmas gifts).
9. Invite a speaker to share a presentation on BCC.
10. Volunteer for a project designed with the BCC Spiritual Life team.