A Back-to-School Message from Mr. Shawn Elbert, Director

At the start of a new school year, we feel a sense of excitement. After having time off in the summer
to relax and rejuvenate, we approach the upcoming school year with a renewed sense of purpose, determination, and eagerness to teach. We look at our empty classroom and school as a blank canvas and we imagine what we can create in the minds of our students. We know each year will have its share of ups and downs, successes and failures; however, each opportunity is a chance to learn. A chance to challenge ourselves. A chance to step up to the plate.
I was recently watching the Little League World Series and thought about my days playing baseball. I remembered the times watching from the dugout with my teammates as the opposing pitcher would “warm-up” on the mound. We wanted to see how fast he threw the ball. If he was throwing slow and controlled, we all chomped at the bit to get a chance to bat. If he was throwing some “heat” with a lot of movement in the ball, some of us (including myself) would be hesitant to stand in the batter’s box to face him. We didn’t know what to expect. If I wasn’t confident I could hit the ball, I would often stand further away from the plate. It made me feel safer in the batter’s box. Our coach would encourage us to be disciplined batters, not to be afraid, and to step up to the plate. We may not have known what pitch he was going to throw and how fast he would throw it, but we wouldn’t have a chance to hit it if we weren’t ready for the challenge… if we didn’t step up to the plate.
This school year will undoubtedly present its share of challenges. We may have many things “thrown at us” that we haven’t seen before. It may be a challenging curriculum, challenging behaviors, or a sense of not having enough time to complete lessons. It may feel overwhelming and the task may feel daunting. The good news is we were built to accept the challenge. There is something inside of us that helps us to step up to the plate.
So this year I encourage each one of us to accept the challenge before us. Maybe
we want to be the best teacher, student aide, behavior staff, or social worker we can be this year. Maybe it’s to be the best parent, spouse, sibling, or friend we can be. Whatever the challenge is, let’s all remember that with God ALL things are possible! If we believe, keep the faith, and help one another, there is no limit to what we can do.
But first, we have to step up to the plate!