If you are able and would like to join with our youth in Baltimore in celebrating, you are welcome to come to the Chapel on Wednesday, April 18 from 4:15 until 5:00 p.m. Mr. Shawn will be hosting a small reception. We will have certificates for all of our participants. If you would like me to email one to you, please reply to me with your request.
If you cannot join us in person, please pause wherever you are and offer a moment of gratitude to God for yourself and for all of our BCC family! I will be in BWI Airport, most likely, at that time – but please know that I will be expressing my gratitude with intention.
Keep up the positive actions and positive thoughts!
I will be sending more emails of encouragement. Remember, you may opt out from receiving them whenever you wish.
May the beauty and promise of the butterfly inspire us to embrace change with courage, joy and gratitude!
God’s Blessings to you,