Conquering Dragons

“Conquering Dragons”

A Centering Moment by Pat Andrews, Director of Behavioral Health (WV and PA)

I ran across a GK Chesterton quote recently that went something like this:

“We tell children fairy tales not so that they will believe in dragons but so that they will believe that dragons can be conquered.”

It’s no secret that 2020 has had more than its fair share of challenges. But so have the young people we serve.  Sadly, most children in BCC’s care have felt the fire of dragons named poverty, illness, addiction, domestic violence, loss, racism, bullies, and abuse.

And yet, teaching our heroes and heroines how to fight them is BCC’s purpose.

It made my week yesterday when I witnessed a formerly sullen and angry young lady utilize a technique called the Anger Control Chain.  This was a brand-new skill she was taught over the past few weeks in group therapy and is part of BCC’s evidence-based practice rollout called Aggression Replacement Training.

That moment represents for me what my career as a therapist and BCC’s work is all about.

As we face challenge after challenge and see the dragons of mental illness, loneliness, illiteracy, hopelessness, and anger fall we rejoice and savor the moment of victory before preparing for the next battle.

It sounds exhausting; and it is…but like in any good band of comrades we take care of ourselves and each other and as the apostle Paul challenged us through his letters to the disciples in ancient Galatia; “Do not become weary in well doing. For when the time is right you will be rewarded if you don’t give up.”

So, be encouraged, don’t give up… and let’s get to work conquering dragons.


Centering Moments are part of BCC’s culture.  They are typically shared at the beginning of our larger meetings, such as with our senior leadership team or at the quarterly all staff meetings. Many thanks to Pat Andrews for this beautiful one and for her permission to repost it on BCC’s website.