Welcome to The BCC Compass
A compass is a powerful tool. For centuries, it has helped people find their way through life’s adventures and journeys. It is a symbol of guidance and direction, even during uncertain times. It’s also a fitting name for our new blog, which we created to share our pursuit of an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment at BCC. An environment that we all – regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, religious beliefs, disability, or age – can engage in with joy and purpose in our special work.
Through The BCC Compass, you will learn about some of our critical conversations and initiatives to support that environment, including our internal LGBTQ+ committee’s revolutionary work, our racism town halls, and our unconscious bias training.
You’ll also learn about our new Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee – a forum to generate problem solving and new ways to foster recovering and healing at BCC. The EDI Committee is part of BCC’s “Culture Club,” a group of five committees representing the elements of a trauma-informed organization. Culture Club, in addition to the EDI committee, includes Risk, Safety and Quality Assurance, Leadership, Collaborative Problem Solving, Senior Leadership Team, and Wellness committees. These committees drive the personality and character of BCC’s workplace culture.
It’s time to care for and listen to one another, and it’s time to create intentional spaces around the role and sources of systemic racism in our own BCC community, our neighborhoods, states, regions, and our country.
We will stumble and make mistakes on this journey. No doubt, we won’t get it right each time. But we will learn and grow from our mistakes. Together, we can face racism and injustices to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive BCC community.
I look forward to sharing the journey with you.

LA Spagnola
President & CEO, Board of Child Care