The BCC Compass — June 2022

Big ideas don’t always start big.
Often, they start with a simple bulletin board.
When we launched the Board of Child Care’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee in 2020, we knew to achieve lasting, sustainable success, we couldn’t do everything at once. So, we added short-term, tangible goals to our bulletin board – goals we could build upon to enhance our long-term commitment to EDI.
Among those initial goals: incorporate more diverse voices on our Board of Directors.
At BCC, we are committed to honoring differences, acknowledging uniqueness and amplifying all voices. A culture of inclusivity empowers individuals at every level to enrich communities, one family at a time. A Board of Directors that only allows U.S. citizens as members is not inclusive.
I’m happy to share that we removed the citizen requirement from our by-laws at our June Board meeting earlier this month. That change allowed the Board at that same meeting to approve adding a new board member that is a Mexican citizen, attorney and a tremendous advocate for BCC and its programs. This individual is beginning their Board orientation next month and will attend their first official meeting later in 2022.
Another goal: Improve our celebration and understanding of Juneteenth.
In 2021, just days before the federal government approved Juneteenth as a federal holiday, BCC put together its first Juneteenth celebration. Staff members who worked that day received double pay, and we organized meals at several BCC campuses. But we quickly realized we didn’t include enough staff in the planning for the day.
This year, we reached out to more staff members and received more feedback on how to celebrate Juneteenth. We also added more educational opportunities about the holiday so staff throughout BCC could gain a deeper understanding about the day’s meaning.
As each month passes, we add more goals to our bulletin board. It has become an amazing platform for our committee, and as a result, our entire team.
This month, I challenge you and your families to start your own EDI bulletin boards with your own professional or personal goals.
LA Spagnola
President & CEO