The BCC Compass – March 2023

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to be with a group of youth for a retreat. One of the leaders thought it would be a good idea to do some push-ups to wake the kids up a little from their 9 AM wake-up call. Being in the Army, I had the personal experience to concur that push-ups can be better than coffee…sometimes.
As the group moved to the front-leaning rest position, the youth leader called out, “Hey, it’s okay if you need to drop to your knees and do ‘girl’ push-ups. There is no shame in that…” In about half a second, I jumped to my feet and corrected the leader. “They are called ‘modified’ push-ups, as I’m sure push-ups are not gender specific.” He smirked and said, “well, they are called ‘girl’ push-ups here.”
As I looked at the group of boys and girls, I moved up to where the leader was, dropped to the floor, and knocked out five one-handed push-ups. As I completed the last one, I looked him in the eyes and told him, “Those are girl push-ups.” I was feeling all kinds of emotions: disappointment, anger, sadness—and a little shoulder pain from the push-ups. But as a society, we need to continue to speak power into our young people and help them realize that gender is not a limitation to what we can or cannot do.
Women’s History Month serves to lift up all the amazing things that women have contributed to society and highlights the struggles women continue to encounter.
We celebrate the countless women who have fought tirelessly and courageously for equality, justice, and opportunity. It is hard to believe that it was only in 1974 that women won the legal right to open a checking account or take out a line of credit without her husband’s signature. Slowly, the great trailblazers continue to dismantle the walls of inequality and the mantle is passed to us today.
The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said,
“Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.”
I am grateful for the women who have paved the way for the women of today.
Our CEO, Laurie Anne (LA) Spagnola is our first female CEO in the agency’s nearly 150-year history. From our Board of Directors (54% female) to our executive and senior leaders (76% women in leadership) to our administrative team, clinicians, support staff, teachers, and direct care staff, every corner and every campus have the impact of women enriching communities, one family at a time.