The BCC Compass – September 2023

Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Education—be it a college degree, vocational school, or learning a trade—can drastically change a person’s position and situation. Education can open doors and windows to opportunities that otherwise might not be available to an individual.
Unfortunately, a higher education can be costly, and many come from a place where it might not be feasible to attend pay for it. Those driven try to find ways to pay for it. Some are able to secure scholarships to fill in financial gaps. Others join the military and take advantage of the education benefits they get from their service. A majority end up in debt through loans.
At BCC, we see the need to make education more accessible for others. Not everyone has the ability to secure scholarships, join the military, or have had parents set aside money for a college fund.
As such, it has been part of our ethos to develop our talent and promote growth, both professionally and personally. We are able to do that through our college tuition assistance program where we provide members of our staff with $5,000 a year to help pay for a degree or certification. Though not everyone uses the benefit, those who do are able to attain something that they otherwise might not be able.
Let’s face it: there are careers that require degrees and training. On-the-job and life experiences are invaluable, but industry standards also dictate the requirements needed for various career fields. BCC hopes to bridge the gap between our staff’s talents and their opportunities for growth. That is equity.
As we move toward the future, we plan on highlighting the benefits we provide to our talents in order for them to be successful. The tuition reimbursement program is one of the best practices currently in place to retain, train, and invest in our people. We hope to highlight our talents who have used it and celebrate their achievements. Graduation party anyone?
Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, BCC Baltimore