Core Value Winner – Impact – May 2021

Impact Drives Lasting Change

We seek to make lasting change in the lives of those we work with by providing services that are inclusive, measurable, and durable. We maximize our impact by investing in staff and board development. Feedback presents opportunity for action, which enhances and strengthens our programs and their outcomes. 

WINNER: Zachariah Mahullo

Zach is the Unit Supervisor for our Caminos West Falling Waters quarantine unit. Although there is a lot of stress that comes with being in a constant quarantine unit, Zach goes above and beyond to check on others during this difficult and stressful time. He is exceptional at ensuring staff are scheduled for transports to take youth to their doctors’ appointments. He truly makes an impact on this entire Caminos West program and the Falling Waters campus.

Congratulations and thank you, Zach!

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Listen and Respond with Empathy

Empathy will guide our programming and culture at all levels.  A supportive work and program environment means valuing the voices of all people, ensuring equitable representation, and growing a desire to know and understand others.  We recognize that with empathy we will better understand what type of care and encouragement to provide. 

WINNER: Korinne Troshak

Korinne is the Permanency Technician at UMHC-BCC in PA.  As such she meets with UMHC residents and other kids in the community to provide Statewide Adoption Network services. Korinne has proven to be a tremendous asset to that program and to the kids and families in the program.  She quickly builds a positive rapport with her clients and her ‘kids’ report that she is very easy to talk to because she is so caring and empathetic.  A worker from another provider agency remarked about Korinne, “Korinne is compassionate, enthusiastic, engaging, intelligent, and resourceful!

Congratulations Korinne and thank you!


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Core Value Winner Relationships May 2021

Foster Relationships within our Community

Openness and honesty with all stakeholders make for both the best program outcomes and team culture. Inclusive practices are the building blocks for trust. We create space for conversations that grow transparency about our decisions, promises, and understanding of one another. 

WINNER: Whitney McDowell 

During COVID, Whitney Mc Dowell, case manager in Denton, has risen above the daily stressors, taken on a multitude of additional tasks with no complaints.  Whitney has fostered relationships with DSS and our local schoolteachers, guidance counselors and school psychologist as well as many community partners.  Her cheerful demeanor puts everyone at ease and her confident approach and solution focused decision making contributes to everyone’s team.  Board of Child Care is truly fortunate to have such a dedicated employee and the Denton campus team is appreciative beyond words for her every day.

Congratulations Whitney and Thank You! 



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Core Value Winner Safety – May 2021

Safety as A Mindset

We value life, spirit, and health above all else and take action to maintain the safety of our workplaces, programs, and services through a trauma-responsive lens. We are personally accountable for our own safety and collectively responsible for the mental, emotional, and physical safety of our community.

WINNER: Terri Montague In the beginning of this year, we were all getting restless from the Covid pandemic of 2020, but it was time to get back in the game! Here at Baltimore, we really needed to conduct an emergency preparedness drill to ensure everyone remembered the procedures and protocols for the Sever Weather Drill. Terri one of our long-standing unit supervisors took the initiative knowing not everyone would have the opportunity to attend the in-house trainings and conducted a virtual you tube training for all Baltimore staff. Thanks, Terri, for ensuring the knowledge and training was conveyed to all staff and ensuring the safety of others.

Congratulations Terri and thank you!

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BCC’s Leadership Statement on the Verdict Yesterday: April 20, 2021

On behalf of the board of directors, and the entire executive leadership team, we would like to take a moment to respond to two events from yesterday: the Derek Chauvin trial verdict and the unfolding events surrounding the tragic death of fifteen-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant, who was shot by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. Continue reading…

Read more from BCC’s Leadership Statement on the Verdict Yesterday: April 20, 2021

COVID-19: We need your help!

“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

In these challenging times, the Board of Child Care (BCC) is still providing essential behavioral health services to our incredible youth. We didn’t stop during the pandemic, we kept on going. Actually, we worked harder, helping young people and their families no matter what! Now, more than ever, our youth need us, and we need you.

You can make a difference today. Please consider signing up to be a monthly donor or make a one-time donation. Your contribution helps to cover the added expenses we incurred due to the Covid-19 crisis. These additional costs include technology, staffing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and cleaning materials.


Read more from COVID-19: We need your help!

BCC Condemns the Atlanta Murders and Racism in all of its forms


To the communities BCC serves, our staff, and stakeholders,

I am disgusted and appalled at the murders that took place in Atlanta, Georgia recently.  The news of what appears to be targeted killings of Asian women and reports of increased violence against elderly Asians prompts me to reiterate condemnation of racism in all of its forms.


  • We will condemn racism, inequality and oppression in all of its forms
  • We will work to fundamentally change systems that perpetuate racism, inequality and oppression
  • We will continue to encourage and promote dialogue about racism, inequality and oppression with all of our stakeholders utilizing our core values of empathy and relationships creating a culture where we can engage with joy and purpose
  • We will use the lens of equity, diversity and inclusion to guide and structure our special work of enriching communities one family at a time.

As CEO, I continue to actively participate as a member of our equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts.  I will continue to update the wider BCC community and public via the BCC Compass blog and other channels of our work pursuing an environment that we all – regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, religious beliefs, disability or age – can engage fully with joy and purpose in our special work.

My heartfelt prayers are with all those impacted by the recent events.


Laurie Anne “LA” Spagnola
President & CEO

Read more from BCC Condemns the Atlanta Murders and Racism in all of its forms

Remembering Dr. Lorraine Bess



The Board of Child Care family was saddened to learn of the loss of one of our own this week. Dr. Lorraine Bess served the Board of Child Care for a number of years, both as a member of the Board of Directors and as the President of the Volunteer Auxiliary until 1999. Dr. Bess also Co-Authored The History of the Board of Child Care Auxiliary in 2003. Dr. Bess was the recipient of the Distinguished Volunteer Service Award from the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church in 1995 for her work with the Volunteer Auxiliary.

In addition to her service to BCC, she was a devoted member of Asbury United Methodist Church in Washington DC and served her community as a member of the DC Third Ward Advisory Neighborhood Commission.  Dr. Bess passed away on March 5th, 2021 at the age of 92, leaving a legacy of family and selfless service.

BCC would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the Bess family and are grateful for the life and service of Dr. Lorraine Bess.

Read more from Remembering Dr. Lorraine Bess