What is Caminos Nacional?
Caminos Nacional is a federal grant managed by Everstand to provide residential services for children who enter the United States without a guardian. This population is commonly referred to as recently migrated youth. The grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Delivering this service helps Everstand fulfill its purpose to enrich communities, one family at a time.
How We Serve Recently Migrated Youth
Recently migrated youth are at significant risk of exploitation, including human trafficking. ORR partners with residential providers like Everstand to deliver best practice and trauma informed child welfare services. Some of these services include temporary shelter, education, medical and mental health care, and, most importantly, vetting of a suitable sponsor or foster care placement for the child.
Our National Partners
Caminos Nacional utilizes the skills developed by Everstand in delivering the program and extends its reach by providing guidance, consultation, and grant management to accredited partner organizations so that they may also offer the Caminos service to these at-risk children.
“Caminos Nacional will give us the opportunity to share our therapeutic best practices with each other, which ultimately benefits everyone in our respective communities,” said Laurie Anne Spagnola, Everstand’s President, and CEO. “It’s truly an incredible example of our purpose statement in action. I know we’ll learn a lot from each other and emerge stronger from working together.”