EDI Strategic Plans

Here’s Why You Need One

In June 2021, The Board of Child Care debuted an official Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion statement to our community which demonstrated our commitment to maintaining a safe and purpose-filled workplace. Our statement reads:

The Board of Child Care is committed to honoring differences, acknowledging uniqueness, and amplifying all voices. A culture of inclusivity empowers individuals at every level to enrich communities, one family at a time.

Our statement set the tone for how we expect our organizational culture to grow and develop and left our leaders asking the following questions:

  • How do we bring this statement to life?
  • How do we create buy-in from leadership to make this statement true?
  • We have a statement, but what now?

The answer to all these questions is…Create an EDI Strategic Plan! A strategic equity, diversity, and inclusion plan can help an organization make the most of its diversity by creating an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable culture and work environment. Workplace diversity is the collective mixture of differences and similarities that include individual and organizational characteristics, values, beliefs, life experiences, and behavior.  While diversity creates the potential for greater innovation and productivity, inclusion is what enables organizations to realize the business benefits of this potential. Equity refers to fair treatment in access, opportunity, and advancement for individuals.

Creating strategic plans, program models, data models, etc., are all done to ensure that an organization is meeting its outcomes. The same effort must be put into ensuring that diversity and inclusion initiatives are being prioritized within an agency. The only way to bring about positive change and positively boost organizational culture is to assign ownership. Leaders in the diversity and inclusion industry all credit the success of an organization’s advancement in diversity and inclusion to the buy-in and involvement of leaders from every part of an organization. This work is personal, so it only makes sense that people get involved to push these initiatives forward.  Look at the example that BCC provides in its EDI strategic plan.

Goal 1: Enhance Engagement & Intercultural Development

BCC provides accessible and culturally diverse learning experiences and resources for individuals of all backgrounds.

Objective 1.1 Expand professional development opportunities among staff to enhance their knowledge, skill, and capacity relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Strategic Action

Benchmark and co-sponsor quarterly ALL Staff events, educational workshops, and activities to raise awareness on issues including (but not limited to) inclusion, diversity, equity, biases, and microaggressions.

Content Creation

EDI Facilitator


Senior Leadership
Diversity Partners
Training Manager
EDI Leadership

Decision Maker

EDI Facilitator

Anticipated Completion

Winter 2022

Once you have identified your goals and objectives, it is imperative to focus in on who or what team of people can push towards the milestones. Remember, giving people ownership creates buy-in and goal achievement. This is also the perfect opportunity to ensure that there is representation in decision making.

Check out these tips for getting started on your EDI Strategic Plan:

  1. Align your EDI strategic plan with your organizations mission, values, and objectives.
  2. Verify commitment from the Top. The CEO, executive team, and board of directors must back the plan and have active involvement.
  3. Leveraging Employee Diversity. Make use of individuals who want to lend their skill and knowledge base in plan implementation.
  4. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships. Creating these formal relationships between two or more parties who remain independent while working together to achieve a specific goal or to enhance an element of the strategy.
  5. Measurement and Accountability. Identify tools that will be used to determine if EDI efforts have achieved the desired results and if not, who will be responsible for correcting methodology.

Creating your EDI statement is the first step in the right direction for your organization’s EDI journey. Now the real work begins, and your agency has been tasked with the hard work of making your EDI statement true which calls for progressive planning and actions.

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Core Value Award Winner – Safety – July 2021

Safety as a Mindset

We value life, spirit, and health above all else and take action to maintain the safety of our workplaces, programs, and services through a trauma-responsive lens. We are personally accountable for our own safety and collectively responsible for the mental, emotional, and physical safety of our community.

Ms. Norma is by far one of the most outstanding workers in our program. She tackles issues with the youth right away.  Ms. Norma is an amazing communicator and has been able to mediate and resolve conflict flawlessly, creating a lasting impact on our youth’ behaviors and relationships in the cottage. She is appreciated by co-workers and youth alike. The atmosphere in C4 is always welcoming and inclusive because of her.

Congratulations Norma and thank you!

Read more from Core Value Award Winner – Safety – July 2021

BCC celebrates Juneteenth

The Board of Child Care celebrates Juneteenth. Juneteenth (June 19) marks the Nation’s 2nd Independence Day and is a significant milestone in United State’s history.

President Joe Biden signed a bill yesterday commemorating Juneteenth, the end of slavery in the United States. June 19 is now an official federal holiday!

“By making Juneteenth a federal holiday we are, recognizing the sins of the past, grappling with them, teaching them and learning from them as we work towards a perfect union,” Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, said in a press conference after the Senate passage of the bill. “It will be the only federal holiday that recognizes the terrible legacy of slavery as well as the noble truth that none of us are free until we are all free,” the majority leader continued.

See history happen by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OpS18G-2hw

On January 1, 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared the end of slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. Two and half years later, and two months after the end of the Civil War, Union troops arrived in Galveston on June 19, 1865, to find that news of the Proclamation had not yet reached Galveston and that people were still slaves in Texas.

The annual commemoration of this date, known as Juneteenth, was seen as a stabilizing and motivating presence in the lives of African-Americans in Texas. They, despite their newly acquired freedom, still faced many uncertainties and challenges.

Celebrations of Juneteenth include parades, storytelling, barbecues, and baseball. Strawberry soda pop is the drink of choice, and the building from which General Granger read the Proclamation is now a historic landmark.

BCC celebrates Juneteenth in various ways with special meals consisting of foods reflective of the African Diaspora and providing a professional development workshop. Please join BCC Juneteenth celebration at the following celebrations:

  •  Juneteenth Professional Development: Solidarity as a Verb Monday, June 21, 1:30 pm-3:30 pm via zoom. Registration instructions will roll out on Monday, June 14. This is a MANDATORY training for all BCC staff.
  • Juneteenth Cookout and Information session for BCC West Virginia. Wednesday, June 16.
  • Enjoy a special Juneteenth Dinner Menu at our Baltimore Campus Saturday, June 19.

BCC acknowledges Juneteenth as a special holiday with festivities around our communities. Additionally, we are declaring this upcoming Saturday, June 19th a holiday. Everyone working this day will receive holiday pay (which is double their regular hourly rate) to celebrate this day. BCC is also relaxing the “Black Out” requirement for this day. In 2022, BCC will continue the practice of holiday pay for this day and add the Federally recognized Juneteenth day off to add to our celebration!

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BCC Celebrates Pride Month

The Board of Child Care (BCC) and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee would like to wish our community a Happy PRIDE Month! PRIDE takes place every June and is a time for the world’s LGBTQ+ Communities to come together and celebrate the freedom to be themselves. PRIDE celebrations are rooted in a long history of minority groups who have struggled for decades to overcome prejudice and be accepted for who they are. The Board of Child Care respects, accepts, and values the voices, lives, and experiences of all our staff, youth, and community partners who are members of this community. We could not do this mission-focused work without your contributions to society and the examples that you set for us all. Thank you and Happy PRIDE, not only in the month of June but every single day!

The original organizers of PRIDE chose the month of June to honor the Stonewall uprising that took place in June of 1969 in New York City, where police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, and began harassing and pulling customers outside. Patrons resisted arrest, and crowds gathered in protest of the officers’ cruel and unnecessary treatment. This event displayed the built-up frustration towards authorities and social systems that discriminated against marginalized groups and were the catalyst for an emerging gay rights movement. Civic organizations formed and held protests, met with political leaders and worked to educate the world on the purpose of the movement. Today, the LGBTQ+ community continues to fight for rights and equality. Nationwide marriage equality is a more recent victory. However, various forms of discrimination still run rampant for the LGBTQ+ community. PRIDE is an opportunity to focus our energy on the history, progress, and future of the LGBTQ+ community.

If you do not know much about the LGBTQ+ community or PRIDE month, don’t worry! There are so many ways to get educated and involved! Check out the list below:

  • Hit the Books – Research is the best way to not only understand PRIDE but also become a better ally. Read up on the history of the movement, educate yourself on proper pronouns, watch documentaries on LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Walk the Walk- If you are well versed in the LGBTQ+ community, use that knowledge for good. Provide opportunities for members of this community to be heard on various platforms. Create safe environments for colleagues and youth to feel supported. Set the example of what it truly means to be an ally.
  • Participate in your local pride events – Attending local events will allow you to network and learn directly from members of this community. Pay attention to social media, local universities, and nonprofits for information about celebrations.
  • Door Decorating Contest: The picture above is a great example of the results you can get when you have a team and youth-based PRIDE contest. Thanks, Team West Virginia, for being an ALLY.No matter how you choose to celebrate, the Board of Child Care encourages you to remember those who fought for equal rights and those who still do. As an organization, we are continuing to create safe spaces, bring forth important conversations, and build allyship for all members of our community. We encourage you to join us in this work so we all can engage with joy and purpose and bring our most authentic selves to our community.
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BCC Congratulates Dr. Coleman

The Board of Child Care would like to take a moment to honor our esteemed and dear Dr. Peter Coleman. After over 50 years of practicing medicine and celebrating his seven-year anniversary at BCC, he is retiring.

Congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Coleman! You have earned this and are deserving of leisure for your life’s work.

Dr. Coleman joined BCC in 2014 as a member of the senior leadership team. We appreciate his contributions and camaraderie. He has been instrumental, invaluable, and renowned to the governance of BCC. Most notably, he championed BCC’s advancement to a trauma-informed care model, a momentous decision. His impact will be remembered, cherished, and will affect BCC for years to come.

During his tenure, he has made a significant impact on both patients and staff. Always welcoming and generous with his time and effort. We will forever be eternally grateful, and we will miss his presence.

Dr. Coleman is also an Air Force veteran and has been working since 15 when he started in a local bakery. He leaves behind his accomplished and enduring career but earned the opportunity to fill his time with everything enjoyable. May this next chapter of life bring you many wonderful years to do the things you love and adventure to fulfill your wildest dreams.

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COVID-19: We need your help!

“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

In these challenging times, the Board of Child Care (BCC) is still providing essential behavioral health services to our incredible youth. We didn’t stop during the pandemic, we kept on going. Actually, we worked harder, helping young people and their families no matter what! Now, more than ever, our youth need us, and we need you.

You can make a difference today. Please consider signing up to be a monthly donor or make a one-time donation. Your contribution helps to cover the added expenses we incurred due to the Covid-19 crisis. These additional costs include technology, staffing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and cleaning materials.


Read more from COVID-19: We need your help!

Remembering Dr. Lorraine Bess



The Board of Child Care family was saddened to learn of the loss of one of our own this week. Dr. Lorraine Bess served the Board of Child Care for a number of years, both as a member of the Board of Directors and as the President of the Volunteer Auxiliary until 1999. Dr. Bess also Co-Authored The History of the Board of Child Care Auxiliary in 2003. Dr. Bess was the recipient of the Distinguished Volunteer Service Award from the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church in 1995 for her work with the Volunteer Auxiliary.

In addition to her service to BCC, she was a devoted member of Asbury United Methodist Church in Washington DC and served her community as a member of the DC Third Ward Advisory Neighborhood Commission.  Dr. Bess passed away on March 5th, 2021 at the age of 92, leaving a legacy of family and selfless service.

BCC would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the Bess family and are grateful for the life and service of Dr. Lorraine Bess.

Read more from Remembering Dr. Lorraine Bess

BCC celebrates Professional Social Work Month

BCC celebrates our social worker staff during Professional Social Work Month. The National Association of Social Workers has made this year’s theme, “Social Workers Are Essential.” Social workers are essential to BCC’s purpose of enriching communities, one family at a time.

Here at BCC, social workers breathe life into our innovative and transformative programs. Our social workers provide high-quality integrated care that is grounded in evidence-based practices. BCC treatment plans support the healing of trauma and foster healthy communities for youth and their families.

A special THANK YOU to all the social workers who work tirelessly to serve our local communities.

Are you a social worker who wants to join BCC? Check out this position. We look forward to hearing from you!

Explore more career opportunities.

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BCC Therapist Intern Application

Launch your career with real, hands-on experience!

Do you have the ability to effectively work with youth and families; excellent written and oral communication skills as well as the ability to be self-motivated and organized? We welcome you to apply today!

BCC gives you the access and professional training you need to excel in your field. We offer internships year-round and many interns are hired for full-time employment.

Apply Today Read more from BCC Therapist Intern Application

BCC Celebrates Black History Month


Black History Month started in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. In September of 1915, the Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). This organization dedicated itself to researching and promoting achievements by Black Americans and other peoples of African descent.  It created the beginnings of what we now know as Black History Month (BHM).

Black History Month allows everyone to share, celebrate, and understand the impact of black heritage and culture. Black History Month continues to inspire our BCC community and reminds us of the important core values of Empathy and Relationships.

In the past, present, and future, BCC pursues and walks in our purpose, carrying our core values.  In 2020, to gain our footing in a tumultuous environment, we established the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee. This committee has continued to meet monthly and is helping BCC navigate these challenging and unprecedented times.  We are grateful for their guidance this month as they enrich our learning about Black History and nourishing our skills in empathy and relationships.

The great thing about Black History Month is that it’s for us all!  Learning about the contributions of our Black brothers and sisters is essential. Learning about Black history is part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion journey and helps us develop our core value of Empathy and nurtures the core value of Relationships.  Please, reflect on where you are in your journey. Are you unaware, an ally, advocate, or activist? I ask this question as I reflect on where I am in my journey – how far I’ve come and how far I need to go yet.  I also think about where BCC is on its EDI journey. One thing I know for sure. We have a long way to go. But we are moving in a promising direction. During Black History Month, consider how you might drive yourself to your next level:

  • Achieve allyship through research and self-reflection.
  • Educate yourself on the journey of black people in this country.
  • Find books by black authors, listen in on podcasts, participate in a community service project that targets underserved communities.
  • Push yourself to engage in reflective practices that allow you to see where you can serve as an ally.

It is only through educating yourself and action that you will develop a skill set to be an ally and gain an appreciation for the Black community that extends past Black History Month.

As we celebrate Black History Month this February, we are dedicated to illuminating and amplifying Black contributors’ work in mental and behavioral health. However, we will not stop there. Through 2021 and beyond, we are committed to highlighting our underrepresented mental and behavioral health professionals from diverse backgrounds, celebrating their important contributions to our field.

Learn more about the BCC’s commitment to embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion by reading the BCC Compass, our new blog, created to share our pursuit of an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment at BCC.

A special THANK YOU to BCC’s staff members who identify as Black and/or African American.

Thank you for all that you do to contribute to our purpose of “enriching communities, one family at a time.” Choosing to be a mentor and part of the healing and recovery of the children and families we serve makes a difference that lasts and matters.

Laurie Anne Spagnola, MSW
President and CEO
Board of Child Care

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