Semi- and Fully Independent Living Programs
We stand for gaining independence through support and stability.
Living life independently with confidence, authority, and grace is a learned skill that does not always come easily or naturally.
We keep life skills top-of-mind in our community home settings across the Mid-Atlantic, each aimed at developing youth in their journey to become self-sufficient, contributing community members.
In each home, we seek to integrate residents into the community, getting them involved in a greater network of support and care through areas like recreation, education, and job skill readiness. Residents work closely with an Everstand treatment team (therapist, psychologist, house supervisor, etc.) and focus on developing core life skills. Youth exist the foster care system at age 21, which is also the most common reason for discharge from Everstand’s semi and fully-independent group homes. Youth transition to placement with family or guardian, an adult group home, or to living independently.
Community Home Support Services
- 24/7 clinical support
- Medication management
- Door-to-door transportation for appointments
- Education opportunities
- On and Off-campus recreation
- Employment opportunities

We’re proud to operate three community-based group homes across Maryland in Hagerstown, Colesville, and Baltimore. Each home offers a team-based approach to developing youth within the community and critical life skills.

Our Pennsylvania community home offers residential services in the beautiful, peaceful rolling hills of Cumberland County, just Southwest of Harrisburg.

West Virginia
Tucked behind a quiet neighborhood in Berkeley County, our Martinsburg campus offers extensive recreational, vocational, and educational facilities for youth who need support coping with emotional and behavioral issues.
Make an Admissions Referral
Our residential programs require a referral from a state or federal entity to begin the admissions process. The referring party varies slightly depending on which state Everstand operates within.
If you are a state or federal employee and wish to make a referral, please click here to access our referral directory.
Everstand programs are open to any individual or family regardless of their religious beliefs.