Wraparound Program
Are you currently caring for a child or youth in your home who struggles with a mental health diagnosis? Do you know someone who is?
Everstand's Wraparound Program is a comprehensive, holistic, youth and family-driven way of responding when children or youth experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges.
Wraparound puts the child or youth and family at the center of a team of professionals and natural supports. The family’s ideas and perspectives about what they need and what will be helpful drive all the work.
What Does The Wraparound Program Do?
- Increases families’ confidence and resiliency by identifying and enhancing the capabilities, knowledge, skills, and assets already present.
- Builds a team of professionals and natural supports to assist parents and caregivers according to a collaborative plan that heeds the family’s voice and choice.
- Empowers families to make positive changes in a process that demonstrates respect for the values, preferences, beliefs, and culture of the child/ youth, and their family.
Who is Eligible for Wraparound Services?
Children and youth aged 0 - 21 years who live in West Virginia and meet the following criteria:
- Are residents of the state of West Virginia (the only state Everstand is currently offering this program in)
- Have mental health or co-occurring diagnoses that substantially interfere with or limit their functioning in family, school, or community activities;
- Are at risk of placement, or are currently placed in a psychiatric treatment facility or acute care psychiatric hospital, and cannot return home without extra support, linkage, and services provided by Wraparound; and
- Are emancipated or in the legal custody of their parent or caregiver.
Application Process
- Visit www.help4wv.com/ccl or contact 1-844-HELP4WV to speak with a trained Helpline Specialist who can link you directly to Wraparound services.
For more information or to speak with an Everstand staff member, please click here.