Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Healing, safety, well-being and permanency for the youth entrusted to our care.

Spiritual life (SL) experiences contribute toward Everstand's goal to be a conduit of healing, safety, well-being and permanency for the youth entrusted to our care.

Our programs are open to any individual regardless of their religious beliefs and we honor wherever a youth is on his/her/their faith journey.

The affiliation between Everstand and the United Methodist Church is deeply rooted in our history (learn more about it here). With this in mind, the residential care team seeks to provide access to worship, fellowship, outreach, and counseling experiences to meet the needs of our residents and staff.

Utilization of Spiritual Life resources is always optional for the youth in our care.

To assist in addressing the diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and faith traditions of all those served at Everstand, we provide the opportunity for attendance at worship services off-grounds, as well as occasionally bringing in guest clergy from mosques, synagogues, and guest preachers (when appropriate) to speak on campus. All new residents complete a spiritual life assessment, which helps the care team understand where that young person is in their faith journey, and if they would like a bible or other religious support material for self-study during their time at Everstand.