Treatment Methodology
Everstand’s Diverse Program Continuum is Supported by a Consistent Treatment Philosophy
Everstand’s treatment philosophy utilizes advancements in neuroscience that support treating complex trauma and toxic stress through a relationship-based approach.
This focus allows clients to heal from their past experience and develop new protective factors and transferable skills.
Our treatment model connects all service lines at Everstand. While each child’s needs are unique, what they unfortunately also share is often a history of complex trauma. That is where the evidence-based practices used at Everstand shine. Evidence-based interventions provide proven outcomes.
During an episode of care movement within continuum is fluid and flexible in both duration and design. Our partnerships with state and local entities, community connections, and our unique Mid-Atlantic footprint mean the Everstand can often keep a child more local to their family and other supports.
Introduction to Brain Science and Trauma Informed Care
Experiences early in life and at other sensitive periods of development change our brains in ways that make us more or less vulnerable to health problems across the lifespan. Science tells us that the experiences we have in the earliest years of our life actually change brain architecture in lasting ways.

*The research and information on this page are attributed to the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative.
To learn more please visit their website and watch their video on Brain Builders.
Learn more about Brain Science and 101 on Trauma-Informed Care from our President and CEO, Laurie Anne Spagnola, MSW
A Co-Occurring Program for Substance Use and Mental Health
The Seven Challenges

What is the Seven Challenges?
The Seven Challenges Program is a comprehensive counseling program designed for adolescents who engage in substance use, to motivate a decision and commitment to change.
It helps young people look at themselves, understand what it takes to give up a drug abusing lifestyle—and prepare for and attain success when they commit to making changes.
At the same time, treatment addresses symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger management, school problems, self-esteem and many more co-occurring issues.
In the Seven Challenges, we do not fit clients into the program; rather, we wrap the program around the concerns of the youth we serve.
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Substance Use Education
- Seven Challenges Journaling
- Relapse Prevention All treatment begins with a comprehensive evaluation designed to identify problems and concerns for the adolescent and family regarding substance use and mental health issues. Following the evaluation, a therapist will work with the client and family to determine the goals of treatment.
- Improve client engagement with holistic counseling. Sessions balance discussion on drug and any other identified problems.
- Help clients identify and clarify their own issues and concerns and understand them in the context of their life’s circumstances.
- Promote mindful self-awareness and teach decision-making skills.
- Increase emotional literacy by teaching about trusting & respectful relationships and building resilience in the face of setbacks.
- Create an individualized plan for success, including strategies for relapse prevention.
- Help clients restore control over their lives by removing the power and allure of alcohol and other drugs.
- Counsel without shame, blame or stigma.
Below are all the Everstand programs that offer The Seven Challenges, please see our referral page for who to contact at each program.
- Residential Programs in Maryland and West Virginia
- Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (Pasadena, MD)
*Strawbridge School is using the principles and framework of the Seven Challenges model for the Challenging Behaviors Group
Make an Admissions Referral
Our residential programs require a referral from a state or federal entity to begin the admissions process. The referring party varies slightly depending on which state Everstand operates within.
If you are a state or federal employee and wish to make a referral, please click here to access our referral directory.
Everstand programs are open to any individual or family regardless of their religious beliefs.